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Carol Vernon

Certified Executive Coach

Carol Vernon
How will clients benefit with you as their coach?

Clients will benefit differently depending on their needs. However, the common denominator is that each client will experience clarity and forward movement in the area they choose to focus on. Through my proven coaching process, I help clients cut through the clutter of whatever area of their life they are most focused on and desire change. Examples include:

  • Managing teams and boards more effectively
  • Managing career paths more intentionally
  • Communicating executive presence more powerfully
  • Dealing with difficult people and costly relationships
  • Creating greater self-awareness; providing new perspectives
What results have clients reported after working with you?

"You provided the sounding board and guidance I needed to feel more confident and focused in my new leadership role." "Carol helped me gain more self-awareness about what things I control, what things I influence, and what things are out of my control." "Carol helped me clarify what I most want in my life so I'm able to focus on creating plans and getting things done." "For the first time I was able to see and really understand other perspectives, and see other possibilities."

What do clients say about working with you?
"Carol brings a deep understanding of the human dynamics and the economic realities at play in today's workplace. Her organizational savvy meant that we could hit the ground running... she really understood what was going on in my organization and I leave every coaching session with very clear thinking about how I want to proceed." "I'm glad to recommend Carol Vernon to anyone seeking a collaborative partnership dedicated to their success. Carol's naturally warm style meant that she connected with me and those around me easily to help me gain more awareness about what's working and what's not. Her directness also allowed me to see my blind spots and together we identified what steps I need to take to leverage my strengths for my success."
What is your coaching philosophy?

I am fueled by a belief that doing your job well isn't enough. Without executive presence and the ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, association leaders can't achieve their full potential or achieve the results they seek. After working in the association community and political arena for many years as a senior communications professional, today I am passionate about helping others in the association and nonprofit community tap into their full potential and maximize their impact through individual and team coaching and training.

What strengths do you have as a coach?
  • Real world understanding of how organizations work (10+ years working in associations and 10+ working in for-profit and national political roles)
  • Direct communication style
  • Abundance of tools to support you, including 360s, and individual and team communication, work style, and behavioral/personality assessments
  • Extensive coaching experience working with association leaders, as well as ongoing professional training on best practices for leading and working in teams
  • Deep understanding and compassion about the change and growth journey
What types of clients do you work with?

More than 200 association CEOs, senior leaders, rising leaders, and association teams, including:

  • Association and corporate leaders (mid- and senior levels) committed to increasing their leadership and communication skills
  • Leaders and their teams focused on increasing team effectiveness, working relationships, and communication styles
  • Associations committed to creating a coaching culture throughout the organization
What is your professional background?

I am a certified executive coach with more than 20 years of experience in non-profits, for-profits, and government organizations. After more than a decade in senior leadership positions in national associations, I became a coach to help individuals and teams become more effective in the workplace and more fulfilled in their lives. I serve as an on-site executive coach at the ASAE Annual Meetings and am a frequent speaker and presenter at their women's executive forum luncheons and career development programs. I also serve on the faculty of Yale's Campaign School for Women Leaders, where I provides leadership and communications coaching for rising leaders committed to public service.

My professional experience includes, congressional and White House political staffer, senior director for a trade association, and acting executive director for a professional society.

I am certified by the coaching industry's primary certification body, the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I completed her coach training through the Coach Training Alliance and the Coaches Training Institute, and I have a BA and did graduate studies in communications.

Ready To Get Started With Carol?

Order online below. Once your order is received, a member of our team will contact you directly to facilitate the connection to your coach.

Career Coaching Packages
Service What You Get Price Add to Cart
Three 30-Minute Coaching Sessions The Career Coaching service matches individuals with a personal coach--a confidant, champion, and challenger who will help you:
  • Gain personalized guidance through job transitions
  • Prepare and navigate through your annual reviews
  • Leverage your behavioral and professional strengths effectively
  • Diagnose reasons for career dissatisfaction
  • Learn how to take action in networking, interviewing, and taking on new opportunities
With Career Coaching you can:
  • Learn how your behavioral style affects those you work with
  • Build a compelling value proposition for a potential employer
  • Manage change more effectively
  • Overcome hurdles that impede success
  • Sustain professional success and maintain balance
  • Get ongoing support through all phases of your career
Member: $224.00
Non Member: $280.00
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